Case Study

Awesome Service For Printing
Case Study

Sustainable Printing Solutions: Empowering Educational Initiatives

In a significant achievement, we transformed educational possibilities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Tasked with a substantial government contract spanning 12 titles, our challenge was considerable. Operating within a tight 45-day timeframe, our dedicated team orchestrated a seamless process. Overcoming obstacles, we meticulously redesigned images, typeset numerous pages, and ensured timely production. Our strategic planning and unwavering commitment not only met the deadline but set a new standard for educational initiatives. This case study exemplifies our capability to deliver exceptional results, showcasing our dedication to quality and efficiency in every project we undertake.

Overcoming Challenges in World Bank Funded Textbook Project

In a month-long sprint, we transformed challenges into triumphs for a World Bank Bank-funded project comprising 117 textbooks. Faced with incompatible file formats and a tight 30-day window, our team swiftly adapted. We recreated layouts, resolved font issues, and converted files into print-ready formats. A dedicated coordinator ensured seamless communication, and our three-shift production schedule met the deadline. All 6,00,000 books were printed, quality-checked, and shipped within 40 days. This success underscores our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, fostering enduring partnerships.

Mauritius: 50 Years of Independence - A Collectors' Tribute

In celebration of Mauritius's 50 years of independence, we partnered with a leading Mauritian publisher to create three exquisite hard case collector's edition books. The challenge lay in the meticulous process of case-bound book production, demanding precision at every step. Our dedicated team ensured each book met international quality standards, focusing on intricate hard case binding. The result was extraordinary - the books received accolades from the Mauritian publishing community, earning our client a prestigious award. With over 5,000 copies sold, our commitment to excellence cemented a lasting partnership with the client, showcasing our dedication to quality and creativity.

Large-Scale Printing Project

In response to the ambitious initiative by a leading educational publisher, Coact Imprints orchestrated a remarkable feat in large-scale printing. With precision and dedication, we successfully navigated the complexities of printing over one million educational textbooks, meticulously addressing each subject and grade level. Our focus remained unwavering on quality, accuracy, and timely delivery, ensuring that each textbook met the highest standards of educational excellence. By seamlessly managing this colossal project, we reinforced our commitment to supporting education and enhancing the learning experiences of K-12 students